[活動存檔 Archived]青少年國際禮儀 2019春季系列課程
Service Description
第一課4/7:第一印像 - 自我介紹,介紹他人,握手,表情,著裝,社交用語及禮儀 第二課4/14:美姿美儀 - 站姿,坐姿,走路,肢體語言 第三課4/21:餐桌禮儀 - 餐具認識與運用 第四課4/28: 實習及私校面試培訓 時間:週日 (中英雙語) 4-5pm (6-10歲) 5-6pm (11-18歲) ———————— 第五課5/5:實踐課3小時,在高級私人會所舉行,含正式西餐, 週日 9:45am-1:15pm 師資:由美國主流高級禮儀顧問和歷屆洛杉磯華埠小姐聯合教授 學費 $365 (共7小時,含餐費) 地址: UniStar 2109 Huntington Drive, San Marino Photo Release Disclaimer: By participating in Ziyi Culture & Etiquette events, I agree that Ziyi Etiquette may use such photographs of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content. No Refunds.
Cancellation Policy
No Refunds, exchange of students allowed. Please email exchange student's name in advance. 注册课程后不接受退款,但可以换学员,请发邮件通知。
Contact Details
2111 Huntington Drive, San Marino, CA, USA