The Team

Evelyn Xu
Born and raised in Shanghai, China, she is the granddaughter of Ziyi Zhou. As a former Miss Chinatown and Art and Culture commissioner of Monterey Park, Evelyn served as a goodwill ambassador and a liaison for multi-cultural. She is also a lavish philanthropist, endowing medical institutions and schools as well as art organizations.
周鍊霞(紫宜)之孫女,前洛杉磯華埠公主及蒙市文化委員。曾代表華人總商會以親善使者身份參加美國各大主流公益活動,並協同商會出使北京釣魚台會見領導人。 Evelyn出生於上海,從小在美受教育,精通中英雙語。她也是一位慷慨的慈善家,支持和捐贈多個學府,醫療機構,以及藝術組織。
Cici Lau
program Director
An award winning actress and producer, Cici is a community leader served on the board of various charity organizations and founded SGV Entrepreneur Lions Club. She is a good mentor who inspired many young artists in the professional career.
作為屢獲殊榮的資深好萊塢演員和製片人,Cici 是多個公益組織中活躍的社區領袖,並是美國聖谷企業家獅子會創會人。 她是一位優秀的導師,在職業生涯中啟發了許多年輕藝術家。

Bing Bing Ao
creative Director
A broadcast media celebrity, Bing Bing cultivates the next generation in the field of performing arts. As a CEO of UniStar Media, Lifestyle Magazine and Talent Academy, she leads youth to actively participate in the community and charity activities, inspiring them to become multicultural individuals with good character and moral values.

Tiger Ko
Youth Advisory Board member
A passionate tennis player and guitarist, Tiger Ko is a dedicated freshman in high school who blends athleticism and creativity. As a member of the tennis team, Tiger demonstrates persistence and teamwork, while his guitar skills showcase their artistic side. Driven by a sense of diligence, persistence, and adventure, Tiger embraces new challenges and is always eager to push their limits in both sports and music.
作為一名熱情的網球運動員和吉他手,Tiger 是一個充滿活力的高一學生,結合了運動和創意。作為網球隊的一員,Tiger 展現了堅持和團隊合作精神,而吉他技巧則展示了他的藝術才華。Tiger 以勤奮、堅持和冒險精神為動力,勇於接受新挑戰,並總是渴望在運動和音樂中突破自我極限。

Audrey Ly
Youth Advisory Board member
A versatile artist and a high school senior, Audrey, brings her professional acting, competitive ballroom dancing and media art skills to creatively engage youth in art. She finds most rewarding by involving in family philanthropy to embrace the values of generosity, compassion, community, and gratitude.

Camille Tai
Youth Advisory Board member
A design editor for year book and a high school senior, Camille enjoys reading and writing, playing golf, as well as doing volunteer work, especially working with children. Her knowledge of social psychology and detailed organizational skills bring much value in serving our program.
高中年鑑的設計編輯,Camille 喜歡閱讀和寫作,打高爾夫,也喜歡做志願者,尤其跟孩子們一起。她的社會心理學和條理有效的工作能力為我們的慈善工作帶來很多價值。

Yannie Chao
Youth Advisory Board member
A speech and debate team champion and a high school senior, Yannie volunteered in a multitude of high school debate classes. Having explored the musical field, she likes learning about each cultures' different musical background as well as the related arts.
作為演講和辯論隊的冠軍,Yannie樂於幫助帶領高中辯論新手。 在探索音樂的領域中,她喜歡了解各種不同文化的音樂以及相關的藝術。